

are assorted dimensional timbers.

These are assorted 3x8's and 12x12's.

is 2 bundles of 8x8-12'.
Rogers Lumber Company is a PINE only Sawmill. We do
not cut any other species of wood. We specialize in big dimensional timbers for industrial construction, but we do also produce
some lumber from the sides of those timbers.The lengths that we produce are from 8' to 20'. Our product is not grade stamped
but we call it a mill run, #2 or better. We do not produce lower graded lumber. We only sell quality material. We also have
a planer mill to surface timbers for large orders. We do not sell dressed lumber retail like the building products stores
do. For more information on any product, fill out the form at the bottom of this page and we will get back with you as soon
as possible.

Some 1x6-16' that are often used
for corral fencing.

This is what our 1x4's and 1x6's look like on the green chain.

This is some of our 2" lumber on sticks to dry.

Bundles of 3x8-20' waiting to be surfaced.

This is our bark pile. We debark
all logs before they are sawn up. We sell it for $30 a load (About 3 yards).

A Bundle of 10x10-20' ready to ship.