First the forklift puts the logs up onto the deck.

Then the cut-off saw cuts the logs to length.

The debarker strips the bark off the logs.

run down these chains to get to the carriage.

Then the logs are sawn up with a circle saw.

The edgerman gets the slabs suitable for boards, and lets the scraps go on to the chipper.

After the edger, the boards run across these trimmers to have both ends trimmed to our
pre-set lengths.

The chipper grinds up all other slabs into chips and blows them into vans. This is our
new chipper, installed December 2008.

These are our chips that we sell
to the paper mill. They are not available for retail purchase.

All our lumber falls down from the trimmers onto this set of chains where it is stacked
on either side.

is the fileroom, where we file our own saws.

Some of our timbers on large orders
are surfaced at our planer mill. We do not dress 1" or 2" lumber.